
Apropå smärtan i mitt vänstra ben...

Helt plötsligt när jag satt och åt av min laxbit och tog en sked soppa så plingade en klocka i huvudet på mig. Någonstans har jag ett minne av att endometrios kan påverka ischiasnerven. Jag har mer än ofta en smärta i korsryggen som kryper ner i mitt vänstra ben. Är det någon som vet vad man gör åt ischiassmärtor?

Titta här, ur "Living Well with Endometriosis":

Sciatic Area 
Sciatic endometriosis is another uncommon form of the disease. This involves the sciatic nerve, a major nerve of the leg that runs down behind the thigh from the lower end of the spine. 
Symptoms include: 

• Cramping in the left leg when walking for long distances 
• Left foot drop and weakness 
• Lower back discomfort that radiates to the left leg 
• Difficulty walking 
• Pain in the hip that radiates down the leg 
• Pain that begins just before menstruation and lasts several days. alter menses 
• Tenderness of the sciatic notch 

Chronic pelvic pain can also be caused by other conditions, as discussed in chapter 2. Dr. David Redwine suggests, however, that gynecologists should have endometriosis at the top of their lists because the condition is very common. 

Pain caused by endometriosis will also manifest itself according to the location of implants. For instance, endometriotic implants located in the reproductive organs are associated with chronic to intermittent pelvic pain and dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation). Pain symptoms associated with endometriosis in the GI tract include rectal pain, tailbone pain, sharp gas pains, painful bowel movements, and pain when passing gas. Endometriosis involving the urinary tract results in painful or burning urination and pain that radiates toward the groin. Pain in the leg and/or hip that radiates down the leg is a symptom of sciatic endometriosis involving the sciatic nerve.